Key Made To Save partners
Looking for partners in the work to save lives from COVID-19?
While the Made to Save campaign ended operations as of May 27, 2022, the partners below are continuing the critical work of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and bringing together the community of practice that will rebuild our nation’s public health infrastructure long-term.
Vaccine Equity Cooperative – General coalition requests
The Vaccine Equity Cooperative is a collaboration of organizations focused on strengthening resources, policy, and funding in support of community-based and public health organizations and workforces – both in their immediate local pandemic response efforts and in the longer-term building of crisis-resilient, equitable systems of health.
Vaccinate Your Family – General coalition requests, vaccines for kids
Vaccinate Your Family (VYF) is a national nonprofit organization that strives to protect people of all ages from vaccine-preventable diseases by:
- Raising awareness of the critical need for timely immunizations
- Increasing the public’s understanding of the benefits of vaccines
- Increasing confidence in the safety of vaccines
- Ensuring that all families have access to lifesaving vaccines
- Advocating for policies that support timely vaccination
Alliance for Disease Prevention and Response – Public health system cross-sector collaboration and health equity
The Alliance for Disease Prevention and Response is an initiative that the American Public Health Association is leading to build and empower a diverse, collaborative, multi-sector, sustainable public health movement with clearly defined roles, authority, and resources to ensure health, equity, and well-being for all. Our efforts are centered around supporting equity, preparedness and resilience and community and multi-sectoral partnership. We do this through engaging partners to participate in protecting and promoting the health of their communities through information sharing and collaborative strategy and action.
American Academy of Pediatrics – Vaccines for kids
The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 67,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
American College Health Association – College/higher education health
Since 1920, the American College Health Association (ACHA) has served as the voice for student health and wellness. Through advocacy, research and education, ACHA stands at the forefront of issues that impact the health and wellness of our college students. ACHA represents over 800 institutions of higher education and the collective health and wellness needs of 20 million college students. ACHA serves nearly 5,500 individual college health and wellness professionals and leaders of all disciplines united together to advance the health and wellness of college students.
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) – Language equity and AA and NH/PI health advocacy
APIAHF influences policy, mobilizes communities, and strengthens programs and organizations to improve the health of Asian Americans & Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders. APIAHF is the oldest and largest health advocacy organization working with AA & NH/PI communities across the nation, in the US Territories, and with the US affiliated Pacific jurisdictions. By providing policy and political analysis, research and data support, and effective communications strategies, APIAHF supports local AA & NH/PI communities to have an influence on local, state, and national policy. By providing grants, training, technical assistance, and consulting, APIAHF serves as a source of key resources so that communities can mobilize and grow stronger in their coalitions and organizational structures.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Public health and CDC COVID-19 work
For information about the CDC COVID-19 All-STLT Update Call or CDC COVID-19 Partner Key Updates, email To request CDC speakers for your upcoming event, please fill out the speaker request form here. Contact CDC-INFO if you have any questions about CDC’s COVID-19 guidance or response efforts.
CDC Foundation – Public health partnerships and public health philanthropy
The CDC Foundation is an independent nonprofit and the sole entity created by Congress to mobilize philanthropic and private-sector resources to support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s critical health protection work.
Dia de la Mujer Latina, Inc. – Language justice and Latino community health/engagement
The mission of Día de la Mujer Latina is to promote healthy behaviors within the underserved Latino community by providing a culturally and linguistically proficient education, facilitating early detection screening and culturally preventative care interventions; promoting wellness with resource information; and engaging Promotores/Community Health Workers in trainings and patient navigation for follow-up services.
Doctors for America – Medical professional engagement
Doctors for America mobilizes doctors and medical students to be leaders in putting patients over politics to improve the health of our patients, communities, and nation. We are 27,000 physicians and medical students in all 50 states, representing all areas of specialization. Our impact areas focus on access to affordable care, community health and prevention, and health justice and equity. DFA focuses solely on what is best for our patients, not on the business side of medicine, and does not accept any funding from pharmaceutical or medical device companies; which uniquely positions DFA as the organization that puts patients over politics and patients over profits.
GOTVax – Field/grassroots outreach
GOTVax is leading one of the most aggressive vaccine outreach campaigns to ensure Black, Brown and immigrant communities are vaccinated. The GOTVax approach leverages proven electoral and organizing strategies to change how public health outreach campaigns are done.
Health Action Alliance – Business Public Health Outreach
The Health Action Alliance is a joint initiative of the Ad Council, CDC Foundation, de Beaumont Foundation, the National Safety Council and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation designed to support and strengthen the business community’s response to COVID-19, improve access to vaccines, support workplace mental health, and help rebuild public health. We provide our growing network of more than 2,000 businesses with free tools, resources and events to help create healthier workplaces and safer communities.
Health Equity Tracker (Satcher Health Leadership Institute) – Data
Prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Health Equity Tracker was created in 2020 to aggregate up-to-date demographic data at the National, State, and County level. We know that the data we collect can be imperfect and at times even worsen health inequities many people face if not reported or analyzed correctly. We work to change that narrative by identifying, understanding, and responding to health inequities in our communities in a way that will allow every person to achieve an optimum level of health. Designed as a multi-year project, the Health Equity Tracker is engineered to go beyond the COVID-19 pandemic to include data on as many diseases, conditions, and determinants of health as possible – but always with a Health Equity first perspective.
Health Leads – Public health
Health Leads is an innovation hub that seeks to unearth and address the deep societal roots of racial inequity that impact our health. Founded in 1996, they helped set the standard for health systems and clinics looking to integrate programs that connect people to essential resources like food, heat and housing. Today, they work both nationally and locally, across the U.S., to build partnerships and redesign systems so every person, in every community, can live with health, well-being and dignity.
Health and Human Services (HHS) – Public health and the We Can Do This Campaign
The HHS COVID-19 public education campaign is a national initiative to increase public confidence in, and uptake of, COVID-19 vaccines while reinforcing basic prevention measures such as mask wearing and social distancing. Through a nationwide network of trusted messengers and consistent, fact-based public health messaging, the campaign helps the public make informed decisions about their health and COVID-19, including steps to protect themselves and their communities. The effort is driven by communication science and provides tailored information for at-risk groups. – General vaccines is the nation’s premier source of child, teen, and adult immunization information for healthcare professionals and their patients. collaborates with partners to shape and advocate for immunization policies that increase access to and administration of all routine vaccinations as recommended by CDC. It also supports and facilitates the work of state and local immunization coalitions engaged in advocacy through the National Network of Immunization Coalitions (
Kaiser Family Foundation – Social impact media and health communications
KFF is a nonprofit organization focusing on national health issues, as well as the U.S. role in global health policy. KFF develops and runs its own policy analysis and journalism and communications programs, sometimes in partnership with major news organizations. KFF serves as a nonpartisan source of facts, analysis and journalism for policymakers, the media, the health policy community and the public.
Latinx Voces – Latinx community health/engagement
Latinx Voces, LLC is an organization focused on celebrating the Latinx community by increasing representation of Latinx people through featuring stories from the community, collaborating with partners, and showcasing the diversity of our culture. They do this through storytelling, partnership, and collaboration.
Their health branch, the Latinx Task Force, is a national coalition of local, state, and national partners, community leaders, and promotores that collaborate to address health disparities and develop solutions in the Latinx community. The Task Force is currently collaborating with the Health and Human Services (HHS) campaign, Juntos Si Podemos, to conduct an in-person tour across 14 cities.
We want to extend an invitation to all partners to join the Task Force efforts. If interested, please email us at to be added to our invitations for the national task force meetings.
National Association of Community Health Workers – Connecting communities and public health institutions
The National Association of Community Health Workers was founded by Community Health Workers (CHWs) and allies across the United States to unify the voices of the community health workers and strengthen the profession’s capacity to promote healthy communities. NACHW is a nonprofit membership-driven organization with a mission to bring CHWs together across geography, ethnicity, sector and experience to support communities to achieve health, equity and social justice.
National Rural Health Association – Rural health
The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) is a national nonprofit membership organization with more than 21,000 members. The association’s mission is to provide leadership on rural health issues through advocacy, communications, education and research. NRHA membership consists of a diverse collection of individuals and organizations, all of whom share the common bond of an interest in rural health.
NRC-RIM – Health equity and language justice
The National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM) is funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to support health departments and community organizations working with refugee, immigrant, and migrant communities that have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
Protect Our Care – Intersection of politics and the pandemic
Protect Our Care is leading the fight to protect and strengthen health care for millions of Americans. They are the communications, organizing, rapid response, research and messaging center in the fight for health care, and they work closely with their partners across the country to ensure all Americans have affordable, quality health care.
Public Good Projects (PGP) – Combatting mis- and disinformation
PGP (The Public Good Projects) is a public health nonprofit specializing in large-scale media monitoring programs, social and behavior change interventions, and cross-sector initiatives. PGP applies the best evidence and practices from the public and private sectors to create bold projects for health. PGP’s programs and initiatives are evidence-based, tailored for particular populations, employ a collective impact model, and are scientifically evaluated.
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) – Labor community health/engagement
The SEIU is an organization of two million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide. The organization is dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a more just society. They believe that all people—Black, white and brown—should have access to quality, affordable healthcare and long term care. They’re fighting for affordable healthcare we can all count on and a healthcare system that works for all of us.
ThisIsOurShot – Medical professional engagement, digital engagement, Latinx community engagement
ThisIsOurShot is a national grassroots movement of medical professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical students) that aims to build healthier communities by elevating the voices of trusted health heroes. We leverage the power of social media to meet people where they are digitally by providing accurate health information, building trust in science, and combating misinformation. VacunateYa is our partner campaign in Spanish that focuses on reaching the Latinx community and leverages digital to reach local communities.
Voices for Vaccines – General vaccines
Voices for Vaccines is a family-led organization that serves as a catalyst to spark positive peer-to-peer conversations about vaccines and the diseases they prevent by supporting communities, building networks, and developing fact-based content that enables parents to make healthy, informed decisions about vaccination for their children and their communities.