Join the Made to Save & We Can Do This National Back to School Week of Action
Beginning August 7th and ending August 15th, Made to Save and the Department of Health and Human Services’ We Can Do This campaign are launching a Week of Action mobilization effort to kick off the school year (including two Weekends of Action on August 7-8 and August 14-15) focused on school and campus-based COVID-19 vaccination drives for students, their families, and their communities. Despite vaccination progress, we’re still seeing disproportionately lower vaccination rates among young people 12 and older, and even lower vaccination rates among young people of color. As the Delta variant drives increases in both hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 among the unvaccinated, now is the time for a national effort led by organizations like yours to get young people vaccinated. We hope you will join us.
Click here to join the Back to School Week of Action as a founding partner..
Together, we’ll organize hundreds of events in communities across the country & have the critical person-to-person conversations needed to get more shots in arms. Below are four ways we can collectively make the Back to School Week of Action a major vaccine equity moment and lay the groundwork for school-centered vaccine work moving forward. If you are a PAC, candidate, or a party, please do not fill out the form or register any events you are planning on MobilizeAmerica.
1) Commit to join the full Week of Action and to host events throughout the week.
We ask that you prioritize hosting events that facilitate person-to-person outreach, assist folks in making vaccine appointments, or help people identify ways to get to and from a vaccination site. Our host guide is available here and a robust set of resources to support your work (including a digital toolkit) is available here.
Your organization should set a goal number of events that is both ambitious and achievable. In determining your level of commitment, please consider the following:
- If you are a large organization with chapters or affiliates across the country, let’s go big and aim to mobilize each chapter to host several events for the Week of Action.
- Your total commitment numbers should include previously planned events that align with the goals of the Week of Action.
- If you have multiple shifts in one day, these should count as separate events (ex. Three canvassing shifts on one day= 3 events).
Events may include community canvasses, vaccination sites, phone banks, text banks, friend banks, tabling in high traffic areas, social media events, dorm-storming, flyering, and more.
2) Add your events to our national events MobilizeAmerica page,
which will serve as a unified dashboard for events which will power vaccine conversations over the course of the week. MobilizeAmerica is an events management tool and we will be driving all sign-up traffic to the dashboard. Adding your events helps new volunteers find & register for your event, in addition to enabling us to track our collective impact. Please include all events, including non-traditional events that don’t require RSVPs. Your organization will own the event on MobilizeAmerica, meaning you will have access to all sign-up information and be able to see and edit details.
3) Sign up for our event host office hours
The Made to Save team will be hosting office hour sessions to talk through any questions you have about hosting COVID-safe canvasses, phone, text banks, vaccine sites and more throughout the Week of Action.
4) Beginning on 8/5, tell us about your work through our reporting form
Reporting out on the impact of your work enables us to amplify your efforts and share the story of our collective impact. Please plan to report back by Wednesday, August 20th!
Thank you for your dedication to this important work!
#MadetoSave #WeCanDoThis