COVID-19 Social Media Toolkit
The COVID-19 vaccines were made to save us and the moments we cherish most. Help us ensure all communities have the info they need to get vaccinated. Download the graphics below and copy the sample posts for your social media outreach.
Sample post (+ link):
Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from COVID-19. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines at
Sample post (+ link):
Internal Note: the text has been revised for the most up-to-date information.
Reminder: Everyone 5 years and up is eligible to get their COVID-19 vaccines. Find yours at
Download English 1×1 graphic here.
Download Spanish 1×1 graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
Internal Note: the text has been revised for the most up-to-date information.
The COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and FDA-approved. Find vaccine appointments near you:
Download the Twitter graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
Afternoons with friends, hugs with grandparents, gatherings with family – all brought to you by the COVID-19 vaccines. The vaccines were #MadeToSave us and the moments we’ve missed most. Find where to get a vaccine near you today at
Download 1×1 English graphic here
Download Twitter and Facebook English graphic here
Sample post (+ link):
Pasar las tardes con amistades, abrazos con los abuelos, reuniones con la familia – todo ello gracias a las vacunas contra el COVID-19. La vacuna fue #HechaParaSalvar nuestras vidas y los momentos que más extrañamos. Encuentra dónde obtener una vacuna cerca de ti hoy mismo, vista
Download 1×1 Spanish graphic here.
Download Twitter and Facebook Spanish graphic here.
Sample post (+link):
Getting vaccinated means: 💪Protecting yourself. ❤️Protecting your loved ones. 🏘Protecting your community. Find out where you can get a COVID-19 vaccine here:
Download Twitter and Facebook graphics here.
Sample post (+ link):
It’s okay to have questions about the COVID-19 vaccines! We’re here to answer them and get you the resources you need. Learn more here:
Download Twitter and Facebook English graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
¡Está bien tener preguntas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19! Estamos aquí para responder esas preguntas y brindarte los recursos necesarios. Obtén más información aquí:
Download Twitter and Facebook Spanish graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
The COVID-19 vaccines were made to save lives.
It’s going to take all of us doing our part by getting vaccinated to keep our communities and loved ones safe.
Learn more here ⬇️
Download Twitter and Facebook English graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
La vacuna contra el COVID-19 fue #HechaParaSalvar.
Va a ser necesario que todos hagamos nuestra parte al vacunarnos para mantener seguras a nuestras comunidades y seres queridos.
Aprende más aquí ⬇️
Download Twitter and Facebook Spanish graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
Learn more about the @ItsMadeToSave coalition and their work to increase vaccine equity and access in communities of color.
Download Twitter and Facebook English graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
Conoce más sobre la coalición de @ItsMadeToSave y lo que han hecho para aumentar la equidad y el acceso a las vacunas contra el COVID-19 en las comunidades de color.
Download Twitter and Facebook Spanish graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
Ready to get the COVID-19 vaccine but have some questions? Check out @ItsMadeToSave’s FAQs and resources below 👇
Download Twitter and Facebook English graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
¿Quieres tu vacuna contra el COVID-19, pero tienes algunas preguntas?
Consulta las preguntas frecuentes y los recursos de @ItsMadeToSave aquí 👇 #HechaParaSalvar
Download Twitter and Facebook Spanish graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
The COVID-19 vaccines are:
✔️Life Saving
✔️ Effective against severe COVID-19 infection
Go to today to find a vaccine near you!
Download Twitter and Facebook graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
One of the best ways to help us ensure as many people as possible get a COVID-19 vaccine: having conversations. Talk to your networks about the vaccines so that they have accurate info & resources to begin their vaccination journey! Get started:
Download Twitter and Facebook graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
Being vaccinated means getting to enjoy the moments we’ve missed most like hugging friends. Get the vaccine facts you need by checking out @ItsMadeToSave’s website below:
Download Twitter and Facebook graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 son:
✔️Eficaces para prevenir las enfermedades graves
✔️Y salvan vidas
¡Visita hoy para encontrar una vacuna cerca de ti!
Download Twitter graphic here.
Sample post (+ link):
Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from COVID-19. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines at
Sample post (+ link):
The COVID-19 vaccines are simply the latest example of a long history of extraordinary medical achievements. Get all the COVID-19 vaccine facts at
Sample post (+ link):
WATCH: @ItsMadeToSave Senior Advisor Dr. Alice Chen answers your COVID-19 vaccine and FDA approval questions.
Sample post (+ link):
.@desusnice and @thekidmero from @SHODesusAndMero have solid advice on avoiding COVID-19: ✅ Get educated. ✅ Get vaccinated. Get your vaccine at
Sample post (+ link):
“My husband beat cancer, but he died because of COVID. His life will not be in vain.” Carla turned her pain into power and is saving lives by helping others get vaccinated. Watch Carla’s inspiring story below.
Sample post (+ link):
You can be all that is needed to get your friends and family vaccinated against COVID-19. Hear how Orlando helped his mother, Maribel book her vaccination appointment and get back to normal life.
The information on this page has been aggregated from the CDC and other trusted medical resources and is not medical advice, and was last updated April 29, 2022. It may be out of date, so please check the factual accuracy of each post before sharing. If you have additional questions we encourage you to speak to a medical provider and visit