The Made to Save campaign sunset on May 27, 2022. The information on this page has been aggregated from the CDC and other trusted medical resources and is not medical advice. It may be out of date, so please check the factual accuracy of each resource before using or sharing. If you have additional questions we encourage you to speak to a medical provider and visit
K-12 Institutions
Talking to Your Friends and Family about the COVID-19 Vaccines: Youth Edition (Evergreen slide deck)
Talking to Your Friends and Family about the COVID-19 Vaccines (self-paced e-learning course)
Data & Reports
Field Organizing
Made to Save School Pilots Program: A report of efforts and learnings from the field
Talking to Parents and Guardians about the COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids | Hablando con Padres y Cuidadores sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19 para niños.
Research or Data
Health Equity Learning Session: Helping Health Professionals Better Understand and Serve Communities based on COVID-19 vaccine outreach learnings. (Sample slide deck)

The COVID-19 vaccines were made by the best and brightest to protect and save lives.
They were made to save the moments and people we cherish most.