Welcome to the Vaccines At Work hub, built in partnership with the Health Action Alliance (HAA) to help employers encourage vaccinations, improve workplace safety, and implement equitable COVID-19 vaccine policies. 

We believe that if done right, employer vaccine requirements can be a helpful tool to increase both vaccination rates and workplace safety. Employers who participate in the Vaccines at Work Initiative will receive free access to trainings, toolkits, one-on-one support, and a network to learn best practices and address challenges. 

If you’re an employer, sign up to learn more. Or if you work with businesses nationally or in your community, sign up to learn how you can help get more employers involved. You can also reach out to our team directly at employers@madetosave.org.

Get Started on Your Company’s Vaccine Policy

1. Health Action Alliance’s COVID-19 Small Business Guide

Have you held a learning session with a medical professional to answer employee questions about the COVID-19 vaccines, or considered offering paid time off to employees to get vaccinated? This comprehensive guide from HAA has critical resources for Small Business Owners hoping to address COVID-19 vaccination equitably and safely. 

2. Vaccines at Work Digital Toolkit:

From sample language you can send to your employers or post on social media to key considerations for promoting equitable vaccine requirements, check out our toolkit to kickstart your engagement with the Vaccines at Work Initiative.

3. Continued support

Together with Health Action Alliance, we offer the following free of charge resources to employers who join the Vaccines at Work Initiative:

Resources offered: trainings, toolkits and guides, one-on-one support, and best practices

Featured Toolkits, Guides, and Resources

Image with cream background and blue clipboard with pink text that reads: quick start guide
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Quick Start Guide

Preparing your Workforce for Vaccine Requirements.

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Image with cream background and blue mask that reads: COVID-19 Employer Policies
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COVID-19 Employer Policies

A Decision Tool for Business Leaders

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An arrow pointing to the right
A Conversation Guide

For Small Business Owners

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An arrow pointing to the right
Communications Guidance for Businesses

Communicating About COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements

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Business Outreach Resources For Community Organizations

Businesses in your community may not have COVID-19 vaccine or safety protocols in place, may have questions or hesitations about establishing requirements, and/or may need help ensuring their vaccine and safety policies are equitable.

We have created a toolkit to help community organizations conduct vaccine outreach to businesses in their community. You can use these tools to reach out to local businesses to start conversations about vaccine policies, offer ongoing support as businesses explore and implement equitable policies, and help connect employers to additional Vaccines at Work resources.

The Business Outreach toolkit includes (all linked below) a small business canvassing script and FAQs to guide your conversations with businesses, templates for emails, sample social media posts, and a printable flyer to share with businesses looking to learn more about our initiative and seeking support with implementing a vaccine policy for their workplace

Business Outreach Toolkit

Business Outreach Flyer (You can also access an editable version of this flyer here.)

Small Business Canvassing Script

Email Template

Social Media Templates

Small Business Outreach FAQ

Estas herramientas fueron creadas para ayudar a las organizaciones a realizar alcance a los negocios locales sobre las vacunas. Las herramientas incluyen materiales que pueden utilizar en el alance, como un guión de alance y preguntas frecuentes de los negocios. Al final de las herramientas, se encuentran volantes e imágenes que pueden compartir con los negocios y también nuestro centro de recursos con materiales adicionales para la campaña de Vacunas en el Trabajo de Hecha para Salvar. 


Vaccines at Work Partners

Vaccines at Work is a Made to Save Initiative built in partnership with the Health Action Alliance

Advisory Partners

The Vaccines at Work initiative is also grateful for the advice and support from our Advisory Partners, including:

Vaccines at work partners logos

Contact Us

If you have questions or feedback for us, send us a note at employers@madetosave.org.